CSDS Board of Directors

Board members are elected each October and begin serving a 1 year term beginning the following January.

The 2025 CSDS Board members

Sarah Bryan – Treasurer


Sharon Coleman – Membership Coordinator

What is your dance superpower? Going the opposite way that I’m supposed to 🙂

If your pet could talk, what would be his/her catchphrase?  It’s dinner time somewhere

What is a weird superstition you have? Eating all the same M&M colors before moving on to the next color

Leigh Gordon


Sara Hodges – Social Media Director

If you could live in any cartoon world what would it be? Avatar: The Last Airbender. When I was younger I thought I would be a water bender, but now I’m pretty sure it’s earth. 

What fictional family is your real-life family most similar to? Probably the Taylors from Home Improvement. Often goofy, extremely wholesome.

Name something most people like but you don’t get it? Horror. Extremely spicy food. Skydiving. Why are we willingly suffering, people?

Kyla Miller – President & Website Administrator

What’s a pet peeve you would make illegal and why?  Flip-flops.  Human feet are ugly and should not be shown in public.

Name something most people like but you don’t get it?  All the hype around sports-ball.  I don’t get why folks get so excited about the outcome of a game they are not in.

What would a title of a book about your life be? Livin’ the Dream

Emily SimmonsEmily Simmons – Swing Swap Coordinator


Ed TharnishEd Tharnish – Secretary

What is your dance superpower? Tone Deafness

What would the title of a book about your life be? Friends in Low Places

If your pet could talk, what would be his/her catchphrase?  If you’re not petting me or feeding me, then leave me alone.

Kristin Wenger – Talent Coordinator

What is your dance superpower? Teaching people with 2 left feet to dance.

If you could live in any cartoon world what would it be? I think Spiderman is pretty sexy, soooo….

What song will you never forget the lyrics to? The entire Hamilton soundtrack.

The CSDS Board is assisted by a trusty stable of helpers:

  • Sound System: Brian Muszynsk
  • Newsletter editor: Didi Jennings
  • Volunteer SS DJs:
    • Julie Barber
    • Kelly Ceppa
    • Vic Gregor
    • Didi Jennings
    • Kyla Miller
    • Ed Tharnish
    • Kristin Wenger
  • Helpers at Large:
    • Gina Fletcher
    • Ed Guida
    • Connie Lum
    • Jim Miller
    • Kevin Sumter
    • June Taft

Thank you to all of our Board of Directors and helpers who give freely of their time on a volunteer basis, to keep our club running year after year, and who are responsible for putting on the club’s events!